

At Havannah Primary School, we aim to give the children an inspiring and engaging curriculum, whereby they will be creative and passionate about what they do. Music is intended to be an enjoyable lesson that evokes a love for music and their talents as musicians. We encourage the children to participate in a variety of musical experiences to boost their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. 

There are four sections that are used to develop our objectives for each year group, they are: 

  • Playing and Peforming
  • Listening and Evaluating
  • Understanding and Exploring 
  • Create and Compose 

 The children will have the opportunity to perform outside of school, as well as attend music clubs after school, there is also a wide variety of school performances that the children can get involved in! We also hold our own Music Recital at the end of each half-term to perform our focus songs to the rest of the school!

In Early Years, the children will start to learn lots of Nursery Rhymes and start to clap to a rhythm. There is always music instruments out to use throughout the day to explore and get used to! 

In Key Stage 1, the children start to learn music vocabulary and can use this to comment on songs. The children are also are able to play some untuned instruments, create our own chants, sing and perform songs and also start to add actions to our lyrics. The children are also exposed to some music notes and they will learn what a stave is. 

In Key Stage 2, the children will be inspired to create music in different ways, they are introduced to tuned instruments and are taught to play these by a conductor. The children are also able to compose music on a computer - using music software! They will now start to look at more different genres to sing and compose, such as rap. They will be introduced to a range of composers and artists as well as exposed to songs from around the world, from different cultural backgrounds, from different social contexts and different genres. 

Our children in Key Stage 2 have weekly guitar lessons from a company called Kids That Rock! This is an hour session and Years 3-6 have this from the Autumn to the Spring term. They also have the opportunity to perform what they have learned to an audience. 

We are able to provide our children with a range of wider opportunities to further their passion for music and the performing arts! Each year group creates their own performances / plays for their parents to come and watch. We also hold Havannah's Got Talent! This is so much fun! Furthermore, children can join the Havannah Choir where they have opportunities to perform to the wider community!

Please find attached below:

-Music Policy 

-Music Progression Map 

-Music Intent 

-Summer 2 Success Criteria - Y1-Y6

-End Points for the year - Y1-Y6


Havannah Primary School Choir - Performing at Siemens!

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Believeand Achieve
Havannah Primary School
Malhamdale Road, Congleton Cheshire CW12 2DF
School Office | Mrs Worrall • Mrs Martin 01260 542182