School Uniform


At Havannah we take pride in our appearance and believe that if we dress smartly we also learn smartly. Our comfortable yet smart uniform also provides children with a sense of belonging to Havannah Primary School.

We are careful to monitor the cost of uniforms for our families and follow the Government guidance on cost of school uniform. Havannah Primary School offers the choice of branded or non-branded items to our families as well as having the provision of pre-loved (second hand) uniform items available to families at low cost with proceeds going to the school's PTA fund that provides monies for school projects and initiatives.

We haveaschooluniformpolicywhichispublicisedregularlybothtostudentsandparents/carersandwhichweexpect allstudentsandparents/ carersto support.Ourpolicyisdesignedto reflecttheneedforastandardofdresswhichis smart .

The reasonsforhavingthispolicyare that:

·         School uniform is an effective way of preventing the differentiation between/and discrimination against children from advantaged or disadvantaged backgrounds.

·         Uniform playsakeyroleinpromotingpride,unityandafeelingofbelongingtoHavannah Primary School.

·         School uniform helps young people to accept that there are appropriate standards of appearance for certain circumstances. We want our young people to look smart as an outward indication of a positive attitude generally.

·         School uniform helps students to leave outside influences behind, focus on school work and concentrate on learning.

School responsibility:

To ensure that all students are aware of the school uniform requirements and to implement these by themonitoring ofstudent.

Student responsibility:

To makesurethatyourappearanceisinlinewithschoolrulesregardingthewearingofuniform. Informamemberstaff ifyouhaveanissue with your uniform, e.g. item rips during the school day, and they will need to  seek help.

Parent /carer responsibility:

We look to parents / carers to supportour uniform code fully byensuring thatyour child is dressed suitablyeach day. We may ask you to bring an item of uniformtoschoolifweareunableto lendyourchildaspareitemforthatday.


The only jewellery allowed to be worn in school is a watch and one pair of stud earrings (one in each lobe). These will need to be removed or a plaster covered for PE. No facial piercings ofanysort(nose,eyebrow,lip,chin,tongueetc.)Itisnotacceptabletowearclearstudsoraplasteroverthe piercing.

Our uniform is as follows: 

  • Navy Blue, V-necked sweatshirt (with or without logo) or Navy blue cardigan

  • Havannah school tie

  • White shirt

  • Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore

  • Grey/white socks

  • Grey/white/black or grey tights

  • Blue and white gingham dress (summer term only)

  • Smart all black shoes/plain black trainers (including black soles)

PE Uniform

We also think that it is important to dress well for PE.

Our PE kit is as follows: 

  • White t-shirt (with or without logo)

  • Blue shorts

  • Blue jogging pants

  • Blue hoodie (with or without logo)

  • Appropriate socks

  • Pumps/Trainers

Our uniform supplier is DP Sportswear on Bromley Road, Congleton (01260 274400). They supply a full range of our logo uniform, including PE kits. Please click here visit their website where you are able to order online. They also offer a personalised branding service through embroidery and printing pupils' initials onto the items.  Alternatively, unbranded items are available in most supermarkets.

In school, we also offer pre-loved branded uniform at a very low cost.  If you would like to request some then please contact the PTA or school office via email.  

In writing this policy, reference has been made to the Government Guidance which can be found at School uniforms - GOV.UK (

Images of Uniform for Year 1-6 Pupils

Uniform 1.jpg


uniform 2.jpg

Uniform Pre-school/Reception Uniform

uniform 3.jpg

(Early Years jumpers available in purple/blue and pink )

Believeand Achieve
Havannah Primary School
Malhamdale Road, Congleton Cheshire CW12 2DF
School Office | Mrs Worrall • Mrs Martin 01260 542182