
Working with families is a key part of our holistic approach at Havannah Pre-School. Nurturing strong relationships with parents, grandparents and our wider community helps us to ensure that we can offer children a broad and exciting curriculum with diverse opportunities and that we are able to truly capture the uniqueness of all of our children.

Throughout the year we try to offer as many opportunities as possible to share our children's learning with parents, carers and grandparents, this enables us to establish a thriving community within each cohort that then contiues throughout the school.

Open Evening September 2024

This week we have welcomed parents into the setting to explain the provision and how we meet the needs of all of the children in the group. It has been lovely to meet our new families and talk about the how children have settled and how they are enjoying the space.

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Family Sports Day July 2024

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Community Helpers

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Believeand Achieve
Havannah Primary School
Malhamdale Road, Congleton Cheshire CW12 2DF
School Office | Mrs Worrall • Mrs Martin 01260 542182